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Ryan Roth's fraudulent life across the globe



In part 1 of Ryan Roth’s fraudulent fairy tale in Bangkok, I shed some light on his latest scam ‘Malala Coffee’, how he made his ex girlfriend homeless, defrauded his high society affair of hundreds of thousands of dollars and finally had to bail the country. In this post we shall have a look at how things panned out from here and where Ryan finally ended up.

In the previous post I shared more information about Ryan Roth’s pathetically executed pseudocide on Bali back in January 2020. Having lived so many fraudulent lives, Ryan was obviously prepared to disappear quickly by faking his own death at any time. In this post we shall have a closer look at his previous disappearances, how they are awfully similar to recent times and last but not least the psychotic mind behind it all.

While it is usually fairly straightforward to call a person by their name, Ryan Roth is a different case all together. Born as Ryan Flynn, he is most commonly known as Ryan Roth, with the occasional appearance as Dr. Ryan F. Roth, Ryan R. or Dr. Flynn.