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Ryan Roth's fraudulent life across the globe

Cold, hard proof that Ryan Roth is indeed not dead. Today, we’ll be sharing details about Roth’s escape from Bali to Singapore and exclusive insights into his potential whereabouts. Clock is ticking Ryan, can you hear it? Tik tok, tik tok…

Return ticket to Singapore

What’s the first thing you do when you decide to kill yourself due to all your failed relationships, achievements, businesses & misdemeanours? That’s right, you book a return ticket to Singapore the night before you plan to off yourself, as did Ryan Roth.

Ryan Roth Flight Ticket
Dead Man’s Flight Ticket

The fact that our beloved scammer decided to book the ticket with his work email the night before his fake suicide, shows the incredible amount of sloppiness that shines through all of Ryan’s greatest achievements. We are still surprised how nobody has found him yet, he’s probably still using one of his aliases Ryan Flynn or Ryan Roth and jet sets through the UK as nothing ever happened, peddling his next saving the planet start-up to yet another future victim. Perhaps this time with a little beard trim and different wardrobe?

Ryan Roth an avid reader of A Scam A Day

Ryan Roth Hedge End
Awe-fully close to Ryan’s hometown isn’t it?

We can be 99% certain that our beloved scammer is reading this blog, all thanks to Google Analytics. As you can see in above image, Ryan & scamming members of his family are avid readers of A Scam A Day. Yes, it doesn’t take a CSI Miami detective to figure out Ryan’s family are sheltering him and are aware of his whereabouts.

You might be wondering what Mr Roth will do once he finds out who is behind this blog? Well, if empirical evidence is of any future indication, googling his private email address in an incognito tab will give you a rough idea.

Ryan’s classic defense mechanism – set up a hilariously badly executed shame blog

To save you the struggle googling you can find the full blog he’s set up to shame one of his potential scam victims that tried to fight back here. We can’t wait to see what our beloved scammer is going to cook up about whoever is behind this blog!

Where to next?

So, where did scamming Roth go next after disappearing to Singapore and before returning to the UK? Given the amount of investors duped on the little red dot, he most likely went to another South East Asian country for a little while. But where can you go after you’ve already been ousted as a scammer in Thailand, Japan, Indonesia and Singapore? Perhaps Ryan is off to South America, integrating indigenous tribes into society in order to end global suffering and water shortages? We have yet to find out…

If you have any information on Ryan Roth’s current whereabouts or stories about his past scam businesses, please reach out to us here or leave comment below!

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